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Presence detection

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New low-consumption Sensei detectors

Low-consumption smart detectors.
These make it possible to incorporate smart functions within the body of the fitting, without having to use the prismatic lens that is unavoidable for infrared detection.
Securlite favours this technology in order to increase our fittings’ resistance to outdoor or malicious influences, thereby helping maintain the lighting and security of the locations.

Sensei® range of detectors.
Sensei® range of detectors Securlite’s Sensei motion sensors are designed and manufactured in France, in our own La Ferté-Bernard factory. Reliability, endurance, energy performance, and ease of use are the key characteristics of the Sensei range.
These detectors are the result of an eco-design policy, and improvements in LCAs (life-cycle analyses) for Securlite
luminaires enable Project Owners to achieve their environmental targets more easily.
Securlite plus points.
- 2-wire (L/N) system wiring.
The radio-controlled fittings allows synchronized management of a group of luminaires without having to use an additional L' control wire. Ideal for renovations in older buildings!
- Fast installation and setting.
Fittings are preset according to the type of fitting and application.
A remote control is available for the radio-controlled fitting versions: this makes it possible to transfer the settings from one luminaire to all the others. It also provides a diagnostics mode for maintenance and operation.
- Extended service life.
A small optional Deshi® module is available for fittings intended to be used in a system with a radio-controlled detector fitting. This avoids the detector in the master luminaire having to carry the load from the other fittings, running the risk of reducing its life, as is the case in conventional installations.
Securlite detectors include numerous other functions, in both radio-controlled and standard versions: positive safety, built-in 100-hr burn-in for dimmable fluorescent fittings, low stand-by consumption, etc.
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