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Luminaire standards
Our products meet the CE marking according to the associated European directives, referring to the general lighting standard NF EN 60598-1 and its derivatives.
Testing is performed in our own laboratory and confirmed by independent European bodies like SGS.
The same applies to testing for impact resistance (IK) and for fire regulation compliance (650 °C to 850 C°).
Installation standards
In terms of product development, we face a double challenge: we must consider both luminaire standards and the standards relating to installations.
Taking both these aspects into account enables us to come up with reasonable, well-thought-out solutions.
A - NF EN 12464-1 standard “Lighting of workplaces - indoor workplaces”
The European standard NF EN 12464-1 “Lighting of workplaces – indoor workplaces” defines the requirements relating to lighting in order that people’s visual tasks can be carried out under the proper conditions of performance, comfort, and safety.
The standard indicates average illuminance levels “to be maintained”. Discomfort glare (produced by shiny surfaces within the visual field) may arise directly or by reflection from luminaires or windows. It is determined by the unified glare rating, UGR.
The overall illuminance uniformity factor is the ratio of minimum illuminance (or minimum luminance) to average illuminance (or average luminance) within a zone under consideration. This factor is important in determining a level of visual comfort. It is necessary to balance the illuminance levels within a zone in order to obtain a uniformity of the luminances within the visual field.
Image de Standards
B - NF C 15-100 standard “Low-voltage electrical installation”
This standard, application of which is mandatory, defines the implementation of luminaires in fixed installations, together with the electrical supply to them.
The key aims of NF C 15-100: increase user safety, allow proper functioning of the electrical installations, and adapt to current needs (more domestic appliances and multimedia equipment: TVs, computers, etc.).
Installations concerned: the new NF C 15-100 standard applies to new buildings.
The new Amendment 5 to the NF C15-100 groups together the new standards provisions applicable to electrical installations in private residential premises.
These prescriptions apply to structures for which the planning application was filed after 27 November 2015.
Provisions relating to lighting in COMMUNAL AREAS:
The lighting installation in COMMUNAL AREAS of residential buildings is subject to the prescriptions of the accessibility regulations (Order dated 24 December 2015 relating to accessibility for new residential buildings), in particular concerning minimum illuminance values and the characteristics of the lighting control facilities.
The illuminance levels required for COMMUNAL AREAS are laid down in the accessibility regulations, in particular for outdoor circulation areas, horizontal indoor circulation areas, internal stairways in accessible COMMUNAL AREAS, and car parks.
Manual control facilities for COMMUNAL AREAS:
Manual lighting control devices located in outdoor circulation areas and in COMMUNAL AREAS must be:
- indicated by an illuminated indicator,
- positioned in accordance with the prescriptions of the accessibility regulations.
Automatic devices: In the case of operation by presence detection, the provisions of the accessibility regulations must be applied.
Additional provisions for building entrances, stairways, access balconies, and corridors: lighting circuits for building entrances, stairways, access balconies, and corridors shall be controlled by a timer with a device allowing continuous operation or by an automatic device.
Where lighting is on a timer, it must be extinguished gradually. This requirement can be met, in particular, by a gradual reduction or by steps of illumination level, or by any other extinction warning system. One timer must not control a group of more than five floors.
In addition to the controls installed within each group, provision must be made for an additional control on the floors above and below each group, in order to allow them to be lit prior to accessing them.
The lighting for an access balcony or internal corridor may be controlled by the same timing device as for a stairway leading to it. However, if more than three luminaires are necessary for lighting an access balcony or internal corridor, a separate timing device is necessary.
Image de Standards
 C – Order dated 20 April 2017 relating to accessibility for disabled persons in public-access buildings at time of building and
facilities open to the public when being renovated.
Article 14
Provisions relating to lighting.
I. – Expected usage: the quality of the lighting, artificial or natural, for indoor and outdoor circulation areas shall be such that the whole
of the route is covered without creating any visual discomfort. The parts of the route that may cause loss of balance for disabled persons,
access facilities, and information provided by signs shall be subject to increased lighting quality.
II. - Minimum characteristics: in order to meet the requirements under I., the artificial lighting device shall satisfy the following characteristics:
It shall make it possible to ensure average horizontal illuminance values measured at floor level along the normal circulation route, allowing for transition zones between the sections of a route, of at least:
• 20 lux for accessible outdoor routes, together with outdoor car-parks and their accessible pedestrian circulation areas
• 20 lux for indoor car-parks and their accessible pedestrian circulation areas
• 200 lux at reception points or elements employed as such
• 100 lux for indoor horizontal circulation areas
• 150 lux for each staircase and mobile facility
Where the operating time for a lighting system is on a timer, it shall extinguish gradually. In the case of operation by presence detection, the detection shall cover the whole of the space concerned, and two successive detection zones shall obligatorily overlap. The implementation of the lighting points shall avoid any effect of direct glare for both “standing” and “seated” users or reflections on signs.
Image de Standards
D – Order dated 8 December 2014 laying down the measures taken for the application of Articles R. 111-19-7 to R. 111-19-11
of the Building and Housing Code and Article 14 of Decree no. 2006-555 relating to accessibility for disabled persons in publicaccess buildings located within an existing structure and existing facilities open to the public.
Article 14
It shall make it possible to ensure average horizontal illuminance values measured at floor level along the normal circulation route, allowing for transition zones between the sections of a route, of at least:
• 20 lux for accessible outdoor routes, together with outdoor car-parks and their accessible pedestrian circulation areas
• 20 lux for indoor car-parks and their accessible pedestrian circulation areas
• 200 lux at reception points or elements employed as such
• 100 lux for indoor horizontal circulation areas
• 150 lux for each staircase and mobile facility
Where the operating time for a lighting system is on a timer, it shall extinguish gradually. In the case of operation by presence detection, the detection shall cover the whole of the space concerned, and two successive detection zones shall obligatorily overlap. The implementation of the lighting points shall avoid any effect of direct glare for both “standing” and “seated” users or reflections on signs.
To sum up, the lighting must be carefully designed and suitable for your needs.
Securlite helps you build your projects. The notions of lighting design go well beyond simple lighting calculation, and your investments should be
accompanied by overall consultancy: our sales advisors and technical support team are only too happy to help you arrive at the customized solution that will meet your needs. 
Contact us
+33 (0)2 43 60 4000

Advice from Securlite

Choosing the right luminaires and applying the standards in a considered way:
  • An appropriate external enclosure.
  • Energy savings.
  • Visual comfort.
  • Evenness.
  • The average illuminance level imposed.
  • Optimizing maintenance.
  • Verifying the results using a professional calculation programme.
  • Excellent value for money.
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