Our CSR approach

We have been committed for a number of years to a CSR approach involving concrete actions: partnership with an ESAT care through employment centre, combating planned obsolescence, Origine France Garantie label, partnership with Habitat et Humanisme in the fight
against poor housing. 2022 marked a turning point in our CSR approach. While defining our priorities and aims, we have sought to consolidate our ‘GESTe’ approach along the 4 priorities of Governance, Environment, Social action and Territorial proximity.

To that end, we acquired a CSR and carbon footprint monitoring tool, to monitor our performance indicators and our progress. We organize its management through a structured governance that notably includes the training and awareness of our employees to deploy our CSR actions in their professions, as well as the involvement of our external partners.

Additionally, this momentum is driven by the Rivalen collective to which we belong, which has been a mission-driven company since April 2022 with the purpose: we are convinced that the proximity and know-how of our entreprises are key strengths to perpetuate their long-term viability and performance, and we want to elevate the production of day-to-day objects by infusing them with our human and environnemental values.This commitment strengthens our environmental and social actions, guided daily by the values of our group and our company: daring, team spirit, consideration, and humility.



From the raw materials right up to recycling them, we design our products in such a way as to limit their environmental impact throughout their entire life cycle. Sécurlite uses the SimaPro life-cycle and eco-design software.

P.E.P. ecopassport

Sécurlite is a founder member of the “PEP eco-passport” association. The PEP (Product Environmental Profile) makes it possible to measure a product’s environmental footprint. The PEPs for our products can be consulted on the www.pep-ecopassport.org website or on our own webpage.


Sécurlite is a founder member of the recycling channel reserved for DEEE Pro (Déchets d’Équipements Électriques et Électroniques – Electrical & Electronic Equipment Waste). For more details, contact: www.recylum.com

RoHS Directive

Protect people and the environment from hazardous chemicals found in electronic and electrical products, in accordance with RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.

Minimizing packaging

We are working to minimize packaging, to use recycled materials, and to recycle non-returnable packaging internally as packing pieces. “Project” packaging is available upon request (eliminating individual packaging in favour of groupage cartons).